Your archetype is the key to telling your true brand story.

Join 3256 other creators, startups and storytellers!

Take the quiz and begin your own legendary brand voice journey.


Why? 🤔

Your brand’s voice embodies and expresses your personality and values. It’s an expression of the humanity behind the brand; it’s an essential step in the process of your becoming a relatable brand. One wonderful thing about clarifying your unique brand identity is that no one else can fake it. Finding your brand’s voice is a journey. We’re here to help.

While it can be witty, fun or authoritative, “Brand You” needs to be one mission-critical thing: authentic. Your audience can tell if your voice is genuine and they will be more likely to become your biggest champions if they can connect to your brand on an emotional level. Whether you’re just starting out or reconnecting with your roots, the How to Brand You archetype exercise will help you to discover and tell your unique story.

How It Works


Brand Voice Adjectives

Our 144 brand adjectives help you quickly pinpoint your brand voice archetype and the words that describe your brand’s Essence, People, Tone, Clients and Impact.


Our brand voice algorithm is based on Jungian archetypes — the foundations of stories that have been part of our collective subconscious for generations.


Action Steps

Our unique Brand Voice algorithm will crunch your input, present you with your predominant archetype and give you actionable steps as well as deeper thinking to support you on your brand voice journey.

Try the free quiz… 🤘